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How to Get Your Garage Door Hurricane Ready?

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As the hurricane season approaches, homeowners in New Orleans and surrounding areas must take proactive steps to safeguard their homes against potential damage. One critical aspect often overlooked is the garage door, which can be a weak point if not properly fortified. At ACE Garage Door, we specialize in providing high-quality, hurricane-rated garage doors that offer superior protection against extreme weather conditions. Here’s how you can get your garage door hurricane ready and ensure your home remains safe during the storm season.

Understanding the Importance of Hurricane-Rated Garage Doors

Hurricanes bring with them high winds, heavy rain, and the potential for severe damage. Your garage door is one of the largest openings in your home, and if it fails during a hurricane, it can lead to significant structural damage. A hurricane-rated garage door is designed to withstand the intense pressures of high winds and protect your home from the elements. At ACE Garage Door, we offer a range of garage doors in New Orleans that meet stringent wind code requirements and provide peace of mind during the storm season.

Assessing Your Current Garage Door

The first step in getting your garage door hurricane ready is to assess your current door. Check for signs of wear and tear, such as rust, dents, or warping, which could compromise its integrity during a storm. If your garage door is older or not specifically rated for hurricanes, it may be time for an upgrade. ACE Garage Door offers free garage door inspections to help you determine if your door meets the necessary wind code standards for hurricane protection.

Old weathered red up and over metal garage door, with peeling paint - hurricane garage door

Upgrading to a Hurricane-Rated Garage Door

If your current garage door does not meet the required standards, upgrading to a hurricane-rated door is essential. Hurricane-rated garage doors are built with reinforced materials and advanced engineering to resist high wind pressures. At ACE Garage Door, we offer a variety of hurricane garage doors designed to blend seamlessly with your home’s aesthetic while providing maximum protection. Our expert technicians will install your new door with precision, ensuring it is securely fitted and ready to withstand the harshest weather conditions.

Strengthening the Door with Additional Reinforcements

In addition to upgrading to a hurricane-rated garage door, there are several reinforcements you can add to further enhance its strength. Bracing systems, such as horizontal and vertical reinforcements, can provide extra support to prevent the door from buckling under pressure. At ACE Garage Door, our technicians can install these reinforcements as part of our comprehensive hurricane preparation services. We also recommend installing heavy-duty hinges and tracks to ensure the door operates smoothly even during extreme conditions. For the best garage doors in New Orleans, trust our experts to keep your home safe.

Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Regular maintenance and inspection are crucial to keeping your hurricane-rated garage door in optimal condition. Before hurricane season starts, conduct a thorough inspection to ensure all components are functioning correctly. Look for any signs of wear or damage and address them immediately. ACE Garage Door offers routine maintenance services to keep your garage door operating efficiently. Our technicians will lubricate moving parts, tighten loose hardware, and replace any worn-out components to ensure your door is always ready to protect your home.

Creating a Hurricane Preparedness Plan

Having a hurricane preparedness plan is essential for ensuring the safety of your family and home. In addition to securing your garage door, make sure to stock up on essential supplies, create an evacuation plan, and stay informed about weather updates. At ACE Garage Door, we believe in empowering our customers with the knowledge and resources they need to stay safe during hurricane season. For all your needs related to garage doors in New Orleans, we are here to assist you.


Getting your garage door hurricane ready is a crucial step in protecting your home during hurricane season. By assessing your current door, upgrading to a hurricane-rated model, adding reinforcements, and maintaining regular inspections, you can ensure your garage door provides the necessary protection against high winds and heavy rain. ACE Garage Door is committed to offering the best garage doors in New Orleans, specifically designed to withstand the challenges of hurricane season.

Contact us today and let our experts take care of your Garage doors in New Orleans. Visit us at 1234 Main Street, LaPlace, LA 70068 for personalized service and solutions.

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